Monday, January 25, 2010


The rains have been steady, with various degrees of intensity, for several weeks now. Some days are so dark, the interior lights need to be turned on even at midday. And while I've written before about our water supply worries and the dry hazards of California, we also bear the hazards of too much wet. We do have seasons here, contrary to some visitors from elsewhere; they just look different than yours.

As so often happens, our dry season gets taken for granted when the time comes to get started on construction. Mendocino College has plans underway for an expanded facility here in Willits. They have either purchased or leased property at the former Little Lake Industries complex, and began excavations late last fall. Here, you see the foundation hole, filled with water and fenced for safety. Further work will have to wait a while...


Dina said...

That pool is very impressive in a strange way.

USelaine said...

Dina, I wish I could have gotten closer to it, but another fence kept me back. The hole is about five or six feet deep.

Petrea Burchard said...

That is the most gorgeous palette of colors.

USelaine said...

Petrea, isn't that interesting? I think those were just successive add-ons to the facility as it grew. Then, when the buildings in front were removed, the various colors were visible. I was grateful for that patch of blue sky too. It's been mighty gray up here.

Petrea Burchard said...

Yeah, even the parking lot gray works. I'd put this on my wall and adore it.

Mahalo. My WV.

Carole Brown said...

I love the pale colors - almost like a Miami South Beach kind of Art Deco palette, don't you think?