Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Uncertain Prospects

Opal Miner is actually a woman's name, but this horse waiting patiently behind Ardella's adds echoes of the past, and suggestions of prospecting.


Kym said...

You a wonderful eye for seeing two unrelated objects together and making a connection. It isn't exactly humor but it makes me smile. Thanks. I enjoy your posts.

Anonymous said...

Agreed, nice way to make a connection...

On the horse, I was coming home from work late one afternoon maybe a week ago and that horse was standing by the phone booth while its rider was making a call. All I could think of was... only in Willits!

USelaine said...

Kym, thank you. I drift away sometimes, these days, but then I come back.

BPBC, Thanks for the comment. Willits is lush territory for the lucky shot. I love you photos of the coast. I wish I could get over there more often. So easy to just take for granted, the beauty.