A peaceful, quiet summer night on Main Street, and the Westphalen building just glows. I'm grateful for relative safety, and relative freedom of expression, and for silent nights punctuated only by crickets.
Waiting on the tracks for its next excursion, a lovely old tram car. While still less frequent than the trips originating on the Fort Bragg end of the line, sometimes the toot of Skunk trains are heard at the Willits Depot too.
Down in Ukiah on Friday, I grabbed this shot out my window as I waited for the traffic light to change. My great grandfather's blacksmith shop was near here, in the early 20th century.
When the stalks of Lamb's Ear rise and bloom, the bees enthusiastically nestle on the velvet leaves to bury their faces in the tiny purple flowers. I didn't capture any on camera this time, but I'm sure you can imagine the luxury along with me. I love the remarkably symmetrical structures as well.
In addition to food, the farmer's market offers hand crafted items like these knit goods. The photo of the dyed wool is from last year, but I don't think I posted it.
Even little Willits has a Segway dealer. He can often be seen riding up and down the sidewalks of Main Street, with panels for local advertising positioned around his two wheeled ride. Here, he demonstrated some of his moves for a group of interested bystanders.
I don't often get over to the farmer's market, especially since I usually work during those hours, but I got away from the office this time. The displays are always so tempting, and the people seem so happy. I went away with some lovely nectarines.
I've posted a lizard on a rock before, but this little guy impressed me with his oversized feet - like a puppy with a long way to grow. He spread himself on this warm rock, leaching the last energy he could get as the sun went down.